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AEIS Preparatory Course


The Admissions Exercise for International Students (AEIS) is a centralised admissions exercise conducted by MOE on October each year for new international students who wish to join Singapore's mainstream primary and secondary schools in January of the following year.




Teach U Learning Centre provides students with the skills and techniques to handle the English centralised test, and earn themselves a place in the schools.




The English Course focuses on:

1. Knowing the Format

  • The AEIS Examination consists of different sections for each level.

  • Familiarising students with the question styles will boost their confidence in the examination

2. Writing Skills

  • Presenting an essay which showcases the student's linguistic capabilities will be the aim of this section. Students will be encouraged to display their creativity and proficiency in the English language.

3. Vocabulary / Grammar Drills

4. Reading and Understanding

  • For the multiple choice comprehension section, students will be given sufficient practice and answering tips to handle these questions.



1. 了解格式

  • 对于不同的阶级,AEIS会考将包含不同的题目

  • 让学生熟悉会考的格式与作答方式,能使学生在面对考试时更加有信心

2. 写作技巧

  • 导师将提供学生写作技巧,生字的认知,以确保学生有足够的英文知识在写作方面发挥自己的语文能力

3. 生字 / 语法练习

4. 阅读和理解

  • 上课时,充足的练习和作答技巧将让学生更有把握应付理解问答项目


*Please call us or email us to request for the course timetable.




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